
    Hi Everyone,
    Just scraped through another week. Close the curtains and put the lights on!
    Okay… Today we think about something that has probably happened to all of us at some point…
    Have you ever felt let down, I mean, Really, really let down?  It could be when you were saving up to buy something, and then been told no, or maybe when seeking reassurance. I used to be part of a care team. I say team… But it destroyed itself with all the pettiness. As hard as I tried, nothing was ever good enough…
    One way of dealing with this, is to identify the main cause… And confront it…
    I do it in writing… That way I don’t forget anything. I’m putting a notice up in church tomorrow.
    At least then, if I find somewhere better, no one can say that I never told anyone.

    Some so-called ‘religious people’ are absolutely horrid… Critical, self-righteous, moody, judgemental, even just plain nasty.Whitney Houston recorded a song called ‘The greatest love of all’. It is apt and to the point. It is also quite easy to play on an organ/keyboard. I hoped to play in church… But it is difficult getting in the door with a keyboard, especially when, like myself, we cannot read music notation.

    Please don’t call me a ‘Christian’, I’m really a man of faith… Yes… I’m simply a man of faith. I attend Salvation army church at present, but they seem to prefer brass band or piano. I cannot do either!
    Too many people ask, and get some sort of reassurance about me being ‘A christian, A soldier, A corps cadet’ etc.

    The Islamic faith reveres the virgin Mary…

    It isn’t about being in ‘uniform’. It is about what is in our hearts, the kind of people we are. The ‘Church of England’ does not exist in Scotland… We ourselves, are not the only ones who are right.  There is room in Heaven for all faiths, There has to be, as in many countries, Christianity is forbidden.

    In some countries, so-called ‘Christians’ carry machine guns and shoot people… I do wear a hat, but no uniform. I move incognito, I am trying not to be a target for other people’s wrath. (Especially those in uniform…) Some people, when they are in a ‘uniform’ of some kind, can be really bolshy… Have you noticed? We are supposed to be encouraging people in, not driving them out. Is it like the nursing profession, People leaving faster than they can be recruited?

    Church needs to be comfortable, otherwise people will not stay… Com’on; Be honest… Would you?

    So… I may have to play somewhere else… Where people don’t build your hopes up, only for them to get resisted against. I once worked for a boss who didn’t give a damn about the workforce. In the end, the excessive noise put me in hospital.     How does this relate to my OCD? Well, mine was brought on by PTSD. A sense of responsibility, A sense of guilt, Nothing I could ever do would be good enough…

    Remember when you got your school report? There would always be at least two teachers ‘Very disappointed’ with me. But… I know now that, no one is gonna be good at everything… That’s why we have doctors and CBT therapists.

    Part of growing from OCD is gonna involve being a little hard on ourselves. Check out Rob Willsons books, Dale Carnegie is worth a mention here too.
    Do you have any requests for next weeks edition?

    Until next week then. Dear friends Same time, Same place.

    A Final quote from ‘Hill Street Blues’;

    ‘Let’s be careful out there.’ Or something like that.

    God Bless.