
Homepage Forums Support From Our Forum Community OCD & Intrusive Thoughts Pocd/Hocd – Struggling Mum 😢 Reply To: Pocd/Hocd – Struggling Mum 😢

Tooold 55

    Hi ,yes they can cloud things ,have you considered getting help medication helps me ,and therapy ,

    Avoiding your kids ,though it seems at the time gives relief ,but it actually will reinforce the ocd and I found being around my sisters kids made the anxiety ease .

    I think the chores when your mood is low are difficult ,im the same ,try doing small amounts ,take breaks ,

    I’m not a parent but I work in a rehab clinic so mixed with ocd can feel challenged by jobs so I break it down ,

    It’s going to be OK take a deep breath ,your not what your minds saying ,nor am I, we are disordered x