Reply To: Pocd/Hocd – Struggling Mum 😢
Homepage › Forums › Support From Our Forum Community › OCD & Intrusive Thoughts › Pocd/Hocd – Struggling Mum 😢 › Reply To: Pocd/Hocd – Struggling Mum 😢
I hate these thoughts so much 😣
They ruin everything.. I couldnt even enjoy the holiday i was that stressed!!
I cant enjoy time with my children or my family. Im struggling to do all the house chores, especially washing my childrens clothes incase something goes on them when im putting them away. Or if i accidentally touch some of their underwear as i then have to go wash my hands numerous times and do the whole routine again. Ive even put the clothes back in the washing basket this morning as i had already washed & dried them then found some mud on a pair of joggers so everything has had to go back in the washing basket ready to be washed again 😞 Its exhausting and im terrified of my children coming home because then the worse thoughts start all over again!! 😢 xx