
    Well… I have to be honest, my journal hasn’t been doing much yet… But then, I am not doing a lot of stuff at the moment. Uni starts next year. One thing I do a lot of is write memos on my tablet, especially when I have a fair bit to write down or remember for later. When I have an internet signal, I send myself emails, it might be a song title, or just a very brief idea. I have been known to create shopping lists this way, the mobile phone is so versatile these days. I haven’t actually recorded the spike I had yesterday… It caught me unawares. Fortunately, this sort of thing is extremely rare. I was in a really strange situation and place. The thoughts died away eventually, after maybe 6 hours or so.  This isn’t a diary… The sort of thing we would be given at Christmas, with tiny pages and spaces, and that had been abandoned by new year, it isn’t filled every day, and some days have more writing than others. I find that these forums are good for this sort of thing too. Looking back, I can see where things have sometimes gone wrong, and how I managed to recover. I can see how far I’ve come, and also how long it has all taken. A very positive step…
