Reply To: The last ten years of contamination and checking ocd. And where I seem to be now
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Hi everyone… Something I have started having a go at, is Open University study. I have a fondness for Psychology. It is a fascinating subject, and there are some really brilliant theorists and ideas out there. Some are a bit far fetched, but many are really down to earth about how people become adults, and how our experiences shape us into the people we are today… Study, when it is structured, is a great way of driving out intrusive thoughts, and worries about contamination. They have something called ‘Open learn’ which is totally free of charge, and has some really interesting courses. You get to do mini tests and gain digital badges which can be printed out and put in a folder. They are effectively certificates. And the fun of learning about something new, or indeed, more about something we already know about, is really interesting. I keep my learning journal/diary on a wordprocessor file, so I can change text colours etc, My handwriting is totally unreadable these days… Would you believe that, in the ‘old’ days, it was possible to fit an entire long story, romance, or adventure novel file onto an ordinary floppy disc?
God bless you for reading…