Reply To: The last ten years of contamination and checking ocd. And where I seem to be now
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Hi everyone. I have just returned from a family gathering, that occurs approximately twice a year. And it was a weird experience. Nobody there knows what I’m doing today, but they will remember how ill I was a few years ago. The event was at a pub/restaurant. Now… In previous times it would always be something like a mixed grill, with a glass of something refreshing. A plateful, and sometimes with a dessert afterwards. This time however, it was very different, I was sitting at the end of the table, watching everyone else, and basically, so that they would all have been able to see me.
Now we all know how I’m always going on about burgers… Well, for me, that was the most attractive thing on the menu… Most of the other stuff was simply vamped up versions of what I would occasionally have out of the freezer at home, but with more gravy… So… A big burger… With all the stuff… And of course, chips… Okay… There is no way of eating a burger with a knife and fork… It simply cannot be done… So, it was good old fingers. I had no antibac gel to use, it simply wasn’t there…
The burger was fantastic, as were the chips, and licking sticky fingers, wiping them dry on my clothing… Just as a child does… I challenged the OCD, and nobody became ill… Especially me… I used a fork for the relish, but didn’t need the knife… Thousands of people do this every day… And there are no ill-effects… If there were, it would be on the television news, never mind papers… These companies are massive, with a reputation to protect… So that is evidence, it will stand up in court…
The thing is, the last time we had a similar family gathering, it was antibacgel on my hands, the gel bottle, my pocket… And the meal would have been something with gravy, so I would be using knife and fork… But not this time…
What about wedding buffets? People get married at weddings, they don’t die… And the children are sliding about on the floor during the disco bit… They are having the chance to build up their natural defences… A bit of ‘Bontamination’ makes us stronger, it is part of our natural survival. It is important… It is difficult to consciously do, but, with defiance, it can be done. We have to dare the so n so to harm us… It won’t, it just makes us think it will harm us…
Biology is amazing…
So… Next time you are passing a burger restaurant, treat yourself, go in, and use the touch screens… They won’t hurt anyone… Otherwise they simply wouldn’t be there… Right? And whilst doing so, just picture all the other people around you, who have also had no need of the jet engine sounding hand dryer, ‘somewhere’ in the building in which you now stand…
To win any contest, we have to first face, or make a challenge, in order to take part. We have to be in it to win it… And we can… We definitely can…
God bless you for reading,