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    Hi everyone… What about a bar of Chocolate? Ever washed one? Ever met anyone who has?

    Let’s be honest, people just don’t…

    Public toilets… If someone doesn’t wash their hands, what do they pick up from the cubicle door lock? Everyone else’s germs? Even if there are no exit/entry doors, as in a motorway cafe, for instance… They will have handled toilet roll, the flush lever, and the cubicle door… If they have used the urinals… What is on their fingertips? And they go to the take-away food court… Eating with bare fingers…

    But they don’t get ill…

    When we worry about contamination OCD, we don’t realize that, the other person already has more on them, than we could ever give them…  If they were to get ill, it will be from themselves…  They have no evidence to sue the restaurant… Nothing at all… Literally, No case to answer. We literally cannot harm anyone else by not washing the natural oils out of our skin…

    We just need to be ‘Reasonably clean’.  Those people who blame everyone, harm themselves first, and then, once they get their few hundred pounds from their litigation solicitor, they find that their GP will no longer treat them… They’ve become a legal risk… So… They don’t really win their case, do they…

    Today, I went out in the car…  I’ve noticed that a majority of people aren’t wearing face masks anymore… Do they honestly think that they can sue me?   I went in one supermarket, and there was no antibacterial stuff by the door… So it must be okay to shop there… They have a reputation to uphold… Thousands of customers… All paying for shopping… All handling absolutely everything… Before I have even entered the building… So why the hell do I feel responsible for their safety?

    That’s my Ocd… With absolutely no evidence to back it up… That makes me free!  I’m free!

    In a supermarket, I cannot possibly make anyone else ill if they are grubbier than I am…

    I’ve just eaten a load of grapes… Apparently they are supposed to have been washed first… What?  Why do they say that? Well… For exactly the same reason that bottles of milk have a warning label stating that the bottle contains milk… Purely to guard against the greedy litigation solicitors… The manufacturer has provided a warning, so, if you didn’t actually wash the grapes, just as most people don’t, the manufacturer has passed all the responsibility to the customer…  You have no case… That way they stay in business, and have a watertight defence in court. And we get have milk on our breakfast, and in our tea or coffee. And don’t get me started about library books…

    More later, God bless you for reading.
