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    Hi everyone. Quick update…

    I got to a supermarket today… A supermarket with one of those trolleys you can place your waste polythene in for them to recycle. I had stuffed it all in a carrier bag at home already. Well, never mind being slightly concerned what the opened plastic bags etc would leave on the inside of the carrier bag I intended to take my shopping home in, The trolley was already piled high with other people filled carrier bags, full of plastic… Now… There was no way that I was going to give away my carrier bag, so I got it out of the bag, a handfull at a time, shoving it deep into the trolley so it wouldn’t bust out over the floor. It all went in, with effort, so the inside of my carrier bag will something on it, to get all over the new shopping… Not to worry… On the way into the main supermarket, I used the gel provided, to sanitise my hands, as they ask everyone to do, I then grabbed a basket, and got a lot of stuff, I was going to make it worth the trip. (!)  At the till, I loaded it all into my bag, paid and then went back to the car…  When we got it all home, one item, a really nice pork pie, is wrapped in waxed paper. I simply opened the wrapper, cut it in half, and then in half again, and had a quarter each with my wife… It tasted lovely…  I would say that the wrapper would have had good things on it, so the pie is equally bontaminated, as maybe very slightly contaminated. But What with? Is there enough to overwhelm my natural defences?  By my own ERP research so far, No…   But we’ll have to just wait and see on that one. By the way, I also had a couple of hard-boiled eggs dipped in Mayo… We can wait and see on that one too… The thing is… It has always been okay before when I have done this… The tiger bread tasted lovely too… More later…

    God bless you for reading.
