
    Hi dear friends… I forgot!!!! It has been so busy this week. I have a terrible cold, and if anything is going to drag me down, a cold is the very thing… It has been terribly stressful, church has been crap, so I  have left.  They really didn’t want me there… To be honest, it was more of a theatre than church, and all the starring roles were going to the same people. The loud ones!

    Tomorrow I have one last place to try…

    Anyway… This weeks blog is all about the joy of sharing. One of the most satisfying things in life, that can literally cost nothi g, like a smile for instance… The financial  cost is irrelevant,  in fact, the less money involved, the more valuable the outcome.

    The thing is, it is totally impossible to ‘share’ anything you don’t truly own or hold true deep emotional attachment to. In other words, it is impossible to share forward something that really belongs to someone else, or that you haven’t actually bought yourself.

    If a business person, on their way home from work, say, calls at a petrol station for fuel, and gets it on their expense account, also picks up chocolates and flowers for their partner, on that same account, it does not constitute a gift. At all… The businesshas got them on the cheap, ie for nothing. The recipient on the other hand, through their payment of taxes etc, has actually bought their own gift… Not very romantic is it?

    Consider another option… Have you seen the chocolate advert of the little girl buying a birthday present for her Mum. The reaction by the shopkeeper is priceless.

    We can do that…

    A nine year old boy saves his pocket money, to buy a packet of chocolate biscuits… (You may have noticed by this point, that I have a bit of a thing about chocolate!).  He finds a plate, and lays the biscuits out in a nice pattern, and takes them to people he knows. It is only a few biscuits, but the joy of sharing is totally priceless,  totally immense. He is sharing something he truly owns. He feels really appreciated and special. That is how things need to happen, if society is to survive and move on.

    But in my case, that didn’t happen this last three years or so, with the church I tried so hard to be part of. My gift is an ability to play the organ, both hands and feet, and entirely by ear, I  cannot read music notation.  They don’t like organ,  I don’t dress posh, and so on…

    Three years ago, I  invited someone to come to my home… I offered them a chance to play my musical equipment,  and have a coffee… They came just once… I kind of assumed they would return the favour… No chance. Not only that, the equipment in the church building was totally off-limits to me. And they made sure I knew it.  So I  built my own, rinning up an absolute fortune on credit cards, in a futile attempt to get into their clique.

    So, My next question  is…

    What do you do, when you try to share something when no one else wants it? They literally refused to hypotheticacally ‘eat any of the biscuits I offered them’. They effectively rejected me… still that nineyearold boy, holding back the tears. Cos boys aren’t supposed to cry…

    So I have now done what the boy did, taken my biscuits home, never to return to those horrible uncaring people.

    A church really shouldn’t  be like that… I  guess they were there to perform and be seen, rather than worship.

    Could this be the reason that churches have fewer people in them these days?

    I am now out of that toxic relationship. I  have set up my instruments at home. I am very choosy about who I  invite now.

    So, seeking out nice people to share just a smile with, is the order of this week… It costs nothing to sit in a library and smile at others around me. Just as for me, it may be the only smile they recieve all day… And we all understand  the importance of solving that one.

    If no one appears to be interested in you, then you be interested in you. Give a friendly look at yourself in the mirror. Treat yourself to a packet of chocolate biscuits (or even wagonwheels!)

    In the words of the carpenters song, ‘Don’t  worry if it’s not good enough for anyone else to hear, Just sing, sing your song…’

    Mamas and papas, and paloma faith,  ‘Make your own kind 9f music, sing your own special song, even if nobody else sings along.

    And finally; Desiderata, by Les Crane. Check them all out on YouTube. Sing along to them, make the words your own. I’m off to do that right now.

    Until next week dear friends… Hopefully Friday,  at about 6pm, right here.