
A mysterious being of smokeless fire
Once promised to grant my every desire.
“I have fulfilled many a wish” he said to me,
Only his words were full of falsity.

So I rubbed my head and out he came,
His body tapering into flame
But cuffs of gold he did not wear,
No burden of time had he to bear.
For long had he languished inside of me,
My brain his riches and realty.

But hoping foolishly I asked him to cure
That which does the truth obscure
And being a genie, he willingly obeyed
And for a few moments I felt unafraid.

But the feeling of calm and relief did not last
For I had not the question perfectly asked.
If only I had said it in a particular way,
Perhaps he would my fears allay.

But the genie merely laughed at my pain
And disappeared back into the ruins of my brain.
Then I realised that he would never be enough
For it was I who was wearing the golden cuff.

By Sarah Mills

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