View PDF version here . Primary level healthcare involves all services that are available directly to you as a first point of contact. For OCD this includes your GP surgery and the primary care mental health team. The NICE guidelines recommend this step for support around management or initial treatment... Read more
View PDF version here . Secondary level healthcare is also sometimes referred to as ‘hospital and community care’. It involves more specialised services that offer emergency response and planned treatment for individuals with more severe or complex symptoms. You will need a referral from a primary care service (usually a... Read more
View PDF version here . In most cases, the first step to treatment would be to speak to your GP to discuss what you’ve been experiencing and your options. This can be daunting if you are worried about your condition being misunderstood or you’ve had negative experiences in the past... Read more
View PDF version here . One of the biggest barriers people face with accessing treatment for their OCD is lack of recognition of their symptoms. Someone might not be completely open about them to professionals because they are embarrassed, or the assessor themselves might not be aware of the different... Do I need a diagnosis? You don’t need to be diagnosed by a psychiatrist in order to receive the appropriate treatments. Treatment will be offered based on what symptoms are describing, so you will be able to access it as long as you speak to a professional who can recognise... What will an assessment look like? As part of the assessment, you will be asked a number of questions. Some of these might not be about OCD specifically, but are still an important part of getting a clear picture of what you are experiencing and what can help. At the... Read more
View PDF version here . Whether you are personally struggling with an obsessive-compulsive condition or supporting someone who does, this pack has been designed to support you to navigate the NHS mental health system and understand what should be happening at each step. Accessing treatment can be a challenge, especially... The NICE guidelines for OCD and BDD The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) publishes guidelines for health and social care. Guidelines have been published for many conditions as well as particular practices, and they provide evidence-based recommendations and advice. These guidelines apply to England and Wales, but... Read more