
    Hi dear friends… Running a little late today, trying to sort out computer printer problems…

    Okay, today, it is the subject of being taken advantage of… As ocders, we are often the sensitive caring ones… If someone needs help, we can be generous to be well thought of. But, unfortunately, that leaves us very vulnerable.  People get upset with me cos I  don’t  like to borrow. They say that I am ungrateful of their offer.

    The thing is, in my experience, I  would borrow something , maybe a tool, in the past, from them, it would invariably  break, meaning that I  would feel indebted to replace it, at my own cost, do their job for them, then give them the tool I had bought, often with no thanks for anything. And cos I  was family, I  recieved no payment for the job either. So I  ended up keeping my distance, where people thought I  was being selfish and idle…

    Why is it, that, the more generous we try to be, the more and more they want off us?

    They are really being greedy…

    So nowadays, I try to have my own, even an if basic, as long as it works… My own printer will have me paying for my own ink… Not getting moaned at for using theirs… And these people, who do exist, are seen as respectable people in my community!

    We are sensitive, but we don’t  get lifted to bring our own unique qualities to light. We are deliberately knocked down to keep others in the limelight.

    In some churches, it is more like a theatre than a place of worship… The same people there to be seen… Celebrities,  people who think they should be admired and celebrated,  emphasis on the word ‘think’.

    I want to feel loved, it is a basic human need… I will deliberately  walk through streets knowing that others will be coming towards me, that way I usually get a response when smiling and saying ‘hi’ It’s adictive, you try it. A quick walk around the block… Others  need it just as much as we do… it is a basic human need, as natural as we are.

    I often go into charity shops to buy cuddly toys… Especially brightly coloured smiling ones…

    I would much rather be a nice person,  than a rich arrogant one…

    Last week, in church, we were asked to write a sticker on a name badge for ourselves… some had lots  of stickers, some that others had put on their jerseys too…

    I had just one… ‘Grandad’.

    Until next friday dear friends, hopefully I  will be a bit further with getting obsolete computers to work… They are the only ones I can afford right now…

    Until Next Friday, 10, May, about 6pm. Right here.