
At OCD Action we often get people sending us poems, stories, books, art and a whole range of creative and inspirational work.

For many people, being creative is an excellent way to express their feeling about OCD and how it impacts on their lives. In this area of the website, we invite you to submit your own creative work and share it with a wider audience.

If you would like to share some creative work with us, please email them across to


    OCD is a part of my life that I thought was over and done. Turns out it is a battle that is not easily … Continued


    Rid me river Lethe of the habit to think, Let me your murmuring waters drink For I too like the shades before me want … Continued

    Morning Routine

    I wake up in the morning and contemplate my day. I know I need to leave my flat, but part of me screams to … Continued

    Think positive thoughts

    Think positive thoughts, its time to get moving Keep going faster, no walking or cruising For a journeys a journey go full steam ahead … Continued

    Has anything even happened

    Take an elastic band And a room full of your worst fears Here’s a scattering of some truths And a kaleidoscope for your memories … Continued

    Jon Cooks

    Jon cooked thoughts. All kinds.  Like all good cooks and bakers, he started young. And like all good cooks, he tasted everything that he … Continued

    Suffering in the Subjunctive

    The brain bully never tires of the tease, Never stops with the what ifs, the possibles, the maybes. But you could have, you might … Continued

    Lost Autumn

    I lost that autumn Lying like a church effigy in bed, Not dead but not really alive either. The horse chestnut trees were laden … Continued