
While societal perceptions of OCD often focus on external compulsions like checking and
washing, there is an increasing recognition that the internal mental processes within OCD
require greater consideration. In light of this, Dr Kirkham collaborated with people with lived
experience of OCD to develop a new way of understanding thought processes in OCD. This
led to a new idea called “excessive rationalisation”. Excessive rationalisation is when people
with OCD attempt argue with or “explain away” their unwanted thoughts. Dr Kirkham recently
worked with a group of people with OCD to co-produce a questionnaire that measures
excessive rationalisation.

This research study will help us test out our co-produced questionnaire. It will also allow us
to learn more about excessive rationalisation, and how it might relate to OCD and the
treatment of OCD.
People who are interested in taking part can sign up Here. Once you have signed up,
you will receive an email from Dr Kirkham which includes a link to Survey 1 and a unique participant code.

Survey 1 will take about 15 minutes to complete. One week after you have
completed Survey 1, you will receive another email inviting you to take part in Survey 2.
Survey 2 will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

This research is being led by Dr Elizabeth Kirkham, who is a Lecturer in Applied Psychology
at the University of Edinburgh.

Information Sheet

Letter of Ethical Approval