
Welcome to the new OCD Action website

The brief for this new website was to make it easier for people to navigate their way simply around the site and so be able to quickly access the information that they want.

We have tried to make it self explanatory and we suggest that you take time to gradually explore the new website in order to familiarise yourself with where everything is. The main home page has been laid out with this in mind and is intended to guide you into the site and its different sections.

As so many of you now access the website using tablets or mobiles we have made this site responsive meaning that it automatically adapts to which ever device you are using to view it and presents the site in the best format for that device.

Keeping up to date on the website and forums

For the latest forum news, information and updates

For forum news, information and updates please ensure that you check for new topics and updates in the Forum Information and Updates forums each time that visit the website. This forum is in the News and Events section of the forums.

When you are logged in it’s easy to check as to whether there are any new topics or updates in this forum. Simply click on New Posts (this appears at the top of every forum page) and where it says Show new and updated topics in: click on the arrows and in the drop down click on Forum Information and Updates and then click Apply.  It will then display any new topics or updates in that forum

For the latest news and information on OCD Action or OCD

For the latest news, information and updates on OCD and OCD Action please ensure that you check the News section regularly.

This section contains all the latest news, information and updates regarding OCD and OCD Action. You can now filter the information several ways – Recent Articles, Category or by using the Archive.

This section can be accessed by clicking on News in the header (for those of you using smaller devices such as mobiles this can be accessed by clicking on the three bars that appear at the top of your screen and then choosing News in the drop down.

In the News section several articles have been posted that weren’t on the old website so please check it now and view all articles posted this year.

At the bottom of the home page there are four large coloured buttons. Each button gives you access to a different part of the site. Once you have clicked on any of the buttons you can scroll down the page for more choices within that section.

The site is now divided into four main sections and they are as follows:

  • I need support now (large blue button) :This to access various aspects of support from either OCD Action or from the OCD Action community
  • I want to learn more (large green button) :All the OCD Action resources are now contained within this section
  • I want to learn about OCD Action (large lilac button) : All the information about the charity is now contained within this section
  • I want to get involved (large orange button) :This section contains everything that you need to know if you want to get involved with helping OCD Action

You can at any time click on the OCD Action logo to return to the home page. There are also headings on the header that give you quick access to certain parts of the site. If you click on “more” a drop down appears giving you more options for accessing different parts of the site.

On the right hand side is the Helpline email address and telephone number.

  • Search icon (Right hand side of every page): You can use this to search for anything on the website including forums
  • Profile icon (Right hand side of every page) :Use this to login or register
  • Once you are logged on using the profile icon you can use it to

View your profile page

  • Edit your profile page
  • View your messages. It will also indicate as to whether you have any new messages
  • View the users directory
  • Log out

To register or log on click on the key symbol to the right or if using smaller devices click on the three bars at the top of the page and in the dropdown click on forum and then scroll down and click on log on

Above the forum lists including the individual forum lists we have added some new features:

New posts

Click on this it will display all posts posted since you last logged on. You can choose to either view all new posts (this is the default setting) or you can select a forum and click apply to view all new posts in that particular forum. You need to be logged on to use this feature.

My favourite threads

Click here to view any threads that you have marked as favourites. You need to be logged on to use this feature.

User directory

Click here to view the complete users directory. You can also search for users using the search facility. You need to be logged on to use this feature.

Community Achievements

Click on here to view all achievements submitted by forum users. You don’t need to be logged on to view the achievements, but you do need to log on to submit an achievement.

Creative Community

Click on here to view all creative posts submitted by forum users. You don’t need to be logged on to view the achievements, but you do need to log on to submit a creative post.

Community Stories

Click here to view all personal stories. You don’t need to be logged on to view the achievements, but you do need to log on to submit your personal story.

You can now choose a forum to browse or start a new topic/thread

  • Click on ‘Add new forum topic’
  • Then insert a title for your topic/thread in the box marked subject.
    • Select the forum that you want to post it in.
    • Then write your post and click on start topic.
    • You can edit this first post on your new topic/thread by clicking on the edit button that appears above the new topic/thread.
  • Once you click on a topic/thread you will notice that there are several changes and some new features have been added

On the left hand side of each post the following are displayed:

Posters Name – This links to that users profile page.
Posters avatar – This can be changed by going to your profile page.
Posters role – Administrator, moderator, forum user etc.
Location – Please fill in your location (town/city or country). You can do this by going to your profile page.
Join date – This indicated the date you joined the forum.
Thanks – this shows the total number of thanks received.
Send Message – click on this to send a private message to that person.

Dark blue bar at the top of each post

The time and date are now displayed here and not at the bottom of the post.
The number of thanks for each individual post is displayed here.

Favourite button

This appears at the bottom of the first post in a topic/thread. You can click on this to add the topic/thread to your favourites list.

Thank button

This appears at the bottom of each post. You can use this to thank the poster if you think that the post was helpful. The Thank button is there simply to indicate, especially to new forum users, that others have read the post and found it to be helpful and is not for just saying thank you for replying.

When you click on the thanks button it registers a thank on that post and that post only and is indicated on the right hand side of the dark blue bar above the post (the same bar in which the date and time that the post was posted appears). At the same time the system adds it to the Thanks total that appears under the posters avatar and details to the left hand side of every post.

Please only use this to indicate when you have found a post to be helpful or it will become meaningless.

Edit button

When you have posted a reply you have five minutes to edit your reply, please use this to either edit your post or add to it within the allotted five minutes. Once you have edited your post the edit button will then indicate how much longer you have to edit your post.

Report this post

Click on this if you want to report a post if you consider it to be rude, offensive, contains inappropriate language or is spam etc. A drop down will appear and type your complaint on this and then click send
Once you have sent your complaint it a pop up will appear acknowledging receipt of your complaint. ‘’Your report has been received’ will then appear at the bottom of the post concerned. It will then be dealt with by a moderator.

You can access your own profile page by either clicking on your name next to one of your posts or by clicking on the icon that appears to the right hand side of every page when logged on it changes from a key to a head and shoulders shape.

You can also access the public page of anyone else’s profile page by clicking on their name.

Posting history

This can be viewed at the bottom of your profile page. You can also access everyone’s posting history by going to their profile page.

Once on your profile page you will see four buttons

  • View profile
  • Edit profile
  • Messages
  • Friends

View profile

This allows you to see your profile page. As well as information that others can see, including your posting history  you will also be able to see your own email address (it is not visible to other users) and your friends list.

Edit profile

By clicking on this button you can edit the following information on your profile page:


This will appear on your profile page to the right of your avatar. Here you can write a small update for others to see such as: ”I’m not feeling well and so I won’t be able to answer PMs for a while.”

Display name

This is your nickname that appears on the website. It needs to be between 3 and 18 characters long.

About me

You can use this space to tell others about yourself, your OCD in particular.


You can use this space to let others know what your interests are.


You can change your avatar here.


You have the option to state your gender or leave it blank.


You can use this space to let others know your occupation.


You can use this space to let others know your location. This will appear under your avatar next to any posts that you post. It helps others when replying to your posts to know which country you are from as access to treatment varies from country to country within the UK. Please note UK and Great Britain are not countries.


You can use this space to tell others about your personal website or blog.

Please note: The following on your profile edit page are not visible to others.


You need to fill in this by clicking on one of the countries in the dropdown.

Current password

You need to enter your current password here if you want to change either your password or email address. But if you have lost your password, click “Request a New Password”.

Email address

This is the email address that you registered with. It can be changed by entering your current password in the previous box.


Use this to change your password having first entered your password in the current password box.

Confirm password

Use this to confirm the new password that you entered in the previous book

Private Messages

Remove tick from the box if you do not want to receive email notifications of Private Messages.

Are you over 16?

Everyone using this site should be over sixteen. Under sixteens should use the OCD at School site

Terms and conditions

Have you read and understood the Terms and Conditions?

Privacy policy

Have you read and understood the privacy policy?

Private messages

You can view your messages by clicking on the profile icon to the right hand side of the page or by actually going to your profile page and clicking on the Message button.
You can send private messages to other users by either

Going to their profile page and clicking on the “Send message” button or

Clicking on “Send message” button below their avatar etc next to one of their posts.


Currently your Friends list is only visible to you.
By clicking on this button you can manage your Friends list and accept Friendship requests.

You can send friendship requests to another user by either
Going to the User Directory and then clicking on “Add Friend” below their name or

Going to their profile page and clicking on “Add as Friend