
Homepage Forums Support From Our Forum Community OCD & Intrusive Thoughts Violent Intrusive Thoughts and Urges

  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year ago by Janine.
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  • #22018


      Hi. I’m under my community mental health team. I have a diagnosis of EUPD. I’m down as having OCD traits, but not actually diagnosed with OCD as far as I understand. My main problems currently are intrusive thoughts and urges to stab children (OCD?), and checking. I’m currently in a probation hostel after spending 7 weeks in prison. I got arrested for threats to kill yesterday after voicing my thoughts to staff. Was about to be interviewed by CID when they told me they’d decided no further action was to be taken. What a relief! I could have got 10 years in prison if found guilty. My intrusive thoughts have been going on since May. They’re getting me into a huge amount of trouble. The checking is very time-consuming too. Any ideas on how to bring this situation back into control a wee bit? I can’t go on like this. Many thanks. xxxx



        ps. not sure if the thoughts are intrusive or not, as sometimes I want them….

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