Hi there. When I was in care work it was impossible to have perfectly clean hands. Thinking about it now, nobody ever got ill because of me… That’s positive. Nowadays they wear gloves, but I’ve no desire to re-enter the profession though. It was too stressful for me. Well, the Pizza turned out okay… 10 minutes in the oven. As I made a Coffee, I had to open a new bottle of milk. In this country we have bottles made of plastic moulded with integral handle. They have screwcaps made of coloured plastic, with a foil inner seal. I take the cap off, and tear away the foil seal with the tab on it. I pour some milk, then replace the plastic cap. There now is no inner seal. I wash my hands just once, but only when it is a new bottle to open foil seal. The thing is, Whatever is on the outside of the bottle is now inside the cap… There’s no way to avoid it. I’ve worked in a plastics factory where they made the caps, and they weren’t sterile anyway. Whether the dairy rinses them, I never knew… So any way… This has been the case for years and years… No one gets ill… If they did they’d sue the dairy, such is the state of our legal system today! Solicitors on speed-dial! At least, it seemed that way in some of the places I was unlucky enough to work in! So Milk bottles are safe enough… Pizza boxes are safe enough… As are those polystyrene trays they put chips in… This is evidence we can say to a CBT therapist for homework. One experiment mine had me doing, was to, go into a supermarket, pick up a raw baking potato. Place it back down, then pick up an apple… I took mine home the first time, cos I thought I’d harmed the apple in some way! I got the last of the shopping and went home. I felt anxious about the apple, to be honest ,the first time, before eating it I actually rinsed it under the cold water tap. That is a while ago now. I’ve got it to the stage where I can handle all the shopping, put it on the conveyor belt, pay, and get it all home without doing anything other than anti-baccing my hands at the shop door on the way in, and that’s for Covid. What about packets of sandwiches? They have never been sterile, and at motorway service stations people buy them as part of a ‘meal deal’, with crisps and a drink. And we don’t know whether they’ve washed their hands… Never have… And yet, we’re all okay…