Hi everyone… As I forgot the list yesterday, we had a few things to get today… Another supermarket, nearer this time… We got eggs… Now normally I check the box to see if any are broken before purchase… I completely forgot… Hopefully they are all okay… Everything else got dumped unceremoniously onto the conveyor belt. After yesterdays episode I just didn’t care anymore… I tried not to look too closely… There’s no turkey this year… We just don’t have that many to feed… Covid has seen to that… To be honest, I can manage without having turkey sandwiches nearly to Easter…. We do have enough coffee! Last Christmas, we had no idea how traumatic things would get this year. Let’s be good to ourselves this year… OCD is an all year round thing, so We need to stay vigilant, drop in on the website occasionally over the Christmas period, and support each other. Let’s have a steady Christmas… Not too much booze and food… Relax… Try not to look too deeply into anything… Be amicable… Chill out when we can… Even the heart rests between beats… Stay positive, and as far as possible, Stay safe. Google ‘Desiderata’ recorded by Les Crane…
God bless you for reading.