  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 years ago by wannabefree.
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      Hi everyone. I’m finding that studying for a qualification helps to crowd out the negative thoughts… My mind is being taken up by, quite frankly, more interesting things. By the way, it has nothing to do with food hygiene! The subject is irrelevant, but it is Open learn, on Open university. It’s free of charge. And they’ve got so many interesting subjects to learn about. And it starts off really easy. They can teach you ‘how’ to learn…  They don’t just do degrees…  Anyway, It’s really interesting, and well worth a look. Okay…  I’ve spilt food on my tee-shirt. We cannot use our dining table at the moment… So I sit in an ordinary chair, to eat pasta! It’s the soup that goes everywhere! But it is filling, healthyish eating. 1 handful of pasta pieces per person, and 1 extra for the pan. What is on the panhandle? I don’t know…  I’ve washed my hands before starting, but not after handing the packet, and putting my hand in to get the handfuls out.  I’ll only washing them then if they get sticky… Like after dicing some luncheon meat to go in with the soup… This has always been safe… No body gets ill…  What about bread packets? We cannot wash bread, and never have done… Anyone holidayed at a holiday camp? What about the bread… And the lovely butter… It’s the only time I ever get butter!  We lived! As a student nurse, everybody used the same stethoscopes… Was there ever earwax on them? To be honest, I probably never checked… To the best of my knowledge, no one was harmed.  When I next go to the seaside, I’ll buy some seaside rock… Deliciously peppermint, amongst many other flavours.  We used to watch them putting the lettering in… Was going to the seaside ever dangerous?  The biggest problem now is people not wearing masks or not social distancing. We live within shouting distance of a seaside, and have given up trying to park the car anywhere over the weekend… So, hopefully the Covid situation will ease off. It won’t be the old normal… We’ve lost far to many people and jobs. But we will have a greater understanding of the world and our place in it. Tomorrow we go supermarket shopping for the new week… The antibac gel will be there, and the trollies, and the food to choose from. I happen to like jam roll with custard…   God bless you for reading.


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