  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 years ago by wannabefree.
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  • #4573

      Hi everyone… We are still plodding on… Just… The trip to the shed turned out okay… The phone still hasn’t been cleaned… I mean, what would I clean it with?  I’ve got a cold… I don’t know how, cos I haven’t been out… We booked a holiday for September… To give ourselves something to look forward to… But even that might not happen… We need to stay positive… Look at the things we are getting done, rather than the things we haven’t been able to get done yet… Is everything clean enough? I really don’t know, but it is pretty good… I haven’t seen the car since Tuesday… I’m keeping going on Coffee… I had a jar that tasted awful, so got some other and blended it in a container… It’s half decaffeinated… With plenty of milk… What about the milk bottle? It has been handled by the shop staff… By myself… By my wife… Were our hands clean enough? I don’t know… It was pork pie for lunch… With mushrooms… Uncooked… Water isn’t going to clean them… They look clean… And the pork pie was really nice… I’m not sure what to prepare for evening meal yet… Sleep is okay at present, as I’m retired. We cannot visit anybody apart from supermarket and doctors… TV is dire… It gets dark early…  What I have noticed, is that my breathing has changed. When I have my face mask on, I breathe shallow, because otherwise my glasses steam up. In the supermarket I have to keep taking my glasses off to see my way around, then put them on to read product information and price. Efficient breathing is deep and slower, for maximum cleaning of the lungs… Babies do that automatically… As we get older, we lose the habit. Breathing exercises are good, they will be on youtube.  Mind you, with a cold it is difficult to breathe through the nose, so I’m struggling with that one anyway… Oh well, this will only be for a few days.  Every time I wash my hands, I dry them on a cloth towel. I do wonder about the towel, but, it has always been okay before… And toothbrush… That dries in air in the bathroom… Is it gonna be clean enough to use? Well, I’ve never ever antibacced it… I guess toothpaste has stuff in it… But why can’t we get one tube that does everything? They all do different things… And how long do I have to brush for? I guess it is okay. Anyway, Nowadays it is all about using antibac and facemasks when we go shopping… Staying at home as much as possible to stay safe…  God bless you for reading.


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