  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by wannabefree.
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  • #9447

      Hi everyone… Well, so far, so good. There wasn’t a massive spike of Covid cases after the Wembley and Wimbledon get togethers… I’m close to the area with the highest infection rate in Britain… And yet, we hardly see anyone… Shove a few thousand passengers onto the London underground rail system… Still things seem to be okay… So, just maybe, the Vaccines are working…  Since Matt Hancock left office, there has been less leadership than that that we had earlier on in the pandemic. I miss that… During the second world war the country had Winston Churchill to look towards.  I guess a lot of it is down to what we want to read in the papers… Anyway… We do seem to be improving… I’ve got things sorted for a day out next week, assuming the weather holds… I’m waiting for a delivery of a disability ramp for my home… It is so we can get in and out with a disability scooter…  not for me, I have roller skates to keep up with the mobility scooter. I have to prepare an evening meal shortly… Battered fish from the freezer… I slice some ordinary potatoes, complete with skin on, arrange them thinly on a baking tray, spray with oil, and cook at the same time as the fish, thus we have healthy ‘chips’.  All made in about 35 minutes. I will wash my hands, ‘once only’ before I start. The potatoes are already washed, so I don’t do so again before slicing… What would I wash them in? Just cold water… No antibacterials to ruin the flavour… It is what we’ve always done… Even with organically grown potatoes… And we all know what they’ve always been grown in… A can of baked beans will complete the dish. And no, I never wash the outside of the tin with anything… I never have… I’ve never seen it done… And yet, when we pause to think about it, Everything is handled by the checkout operator in the supermarket… Always has been… We’ve survived… Maybe stronger from having the experience…  Okay… I’ll go and do that now, and have a hot drink at the same time… More later… God bless you for reading,


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