
Homepage Forums Support From Our Forum Community OCD & Intrusive Thoughts Serious fears of contaminating my child

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      Hi all, I really hope someone can help put my fears at bay. I’ve suffered with OCD for many years – tried CBT, various medications however since having my little boy my OCD has got progressively worse. My life is ruled by OCD.

      My main fear is contaminating my child with cleaning products. This started as soon as he was born for example I couldn’t prepare a bottle on a surface that had been recently disinfected. This then escalated to not even being able to disinfect any surface even close to any of my babys things. He’s now 2 and it gets worse everyday. I cannot use any cleaning product if my son is in the same room as fears of it being on my hands and me touching him and contaminating him overrule me. I get mad at others who use cleaning products around him as I feel they’re putting him at harm. This causes alot of conflict between me and my family.

      If I spray a surface with furniture polish I will then wash my hands incase my child comes near me. This resulting in my hands being washed multiple times a day and being dry and cracked.

      Is anyone else suffering from these same thoughts. Would be nice to know I’m not alone.

      Thank you for reading

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