
Homepage Forums Support From Our Forum Community OCD & Intrusive Thoughts Opening up – massive regrets

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by johna2.
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      Desperate and extremely upset/anxious people open up to mental health professionals. I wish SO much I hadn’t after accessing my medical records to do with mental health/OCD. Untruths, exaggerations, no context comments, callous, cursory and much more.

      I’m described as having “emotionally unstable traits”, “personality issues”, “impulse control issues” and more. Police checks were done behind my back without my permission which I’d have given if asked as I’ve no criminal record and nothing to hide, safeguarding reports I knew nothing about in which it was written I should not have “unsupervised access” to my nephew back in 2010.

      Reading page after page of it I felt sick – literally. The examples of intrusive thoughts crude/violent and very uncomfortable for me to describe have zero context – just plonked in the middle of a page like “He said this” kind of thing. I’d imagine someone who didn’t know much about OCD or know me looking over what’s been written over a 12 year period would get a very inaccurate impression of me as a person.

      I’m not only very upset but very angry. I feel like I’ve been libelled.


        I don’t blame you Ray. I’ve not had that exactly but similar stuff happen to me. I’ve had a psychiatrist write a report about me without ever meeting me. Also, I have friends with ocd who were misdiagnosed.

        Personally, I have issues of trust with priests, lawyers and psychiatric, all based on long personal experience. Trust me, I could write a book. In the past I’ve felt incandescent with rage.

        People, including supposed carers, don’t seem to realize the damage which can be done by betrayal of trust.

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