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  • #14567

      The longest journey, always begins with a single step… That is true metaphorically too…  One step at a time…  Our heart beats for our total lifetime… Apparently, it actually ‘rests’ between ‘beats’.  A steady rhythm… A steady pace… At just the right tempo for the moment…  We find that, after the event, something was actually a lot less scary than we thought it was going to be…  In the workplace, we are protected, maybe slightly over zealously, by ‘Health and Safety Regulations’.  We have a right to be safe in our place of employment, or shopping centre etc.  I used to ride a motorbike to work…  I guess the roads are too congested for me to even think of doing that today…  It’s bad enough in a car…  Our village has a large amount of very big lorries going through it… They even bump up onto the pavement at times…  My worst experience of this would be, when returning to school after the six week summer holiday break… I absolutely dreaded school…  I was a hopeless learner… But I somehow got through it… A day at a time… And now I’m retired, I sometimes wonder how I ever had time to go to work!  I have invested in very good computer speakers, so I can go on Youtube and listen to my old favourites… Mainly 1980’s disco stuff.  The members of ABBA are all in their seventies! I can remember the night they became famous! But any of our favourite music, even listened to on good headphones, can be really uplifting for us…

      In JM Barries books about Peter Pan, there is mention of ‘hold a happy thought, and you will fly’, I reckon there is a good metaphor in there… If we approach something with a positive mindset, things definitely seem to get done a little easier…

      Simply Begin… (Which just happens to be the pen name of someone I know well) (Not me)



      Forum Moderators


        Thanks for coming to the forums for support and we’re sorry you haven’t had many replies yet. Please don’t take this personally or ever think you’re alone. It may just be that forum users are taking time to consider how to reply.

        And please remember that you can also contact the OCD Action Help and Information Line to talk to or email someone who understands OCD.

        Our Helpline volunteers provide confidential and unbiased help, information and support for people with OCD (or who  think they may have OCD). Most volunteers have personal experience of OCD and all understand how it can impact your entire life. Contact our Helpline by:

        – phone: 0300 636 5478 (UK number).

        – email:

        You can also find out about support groups on our website. These offer a safe place where you can talk openly about OCD and support other people too. Our information about UK-based groups can be found here:

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        OCD Action Skype/Phone/Zoom support groups

        And please remember that you’re never alone – OCD Action is here to help and support you.

        Best wishes,

        Forum Moderators

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