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  • #32202
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      Impact & Measuring Success

      The Charity believes that it is vital to measure the impact that it makes. This way we can know if our services are having the desired effect, whether we can improve and if we are using our funds in the most effective way.

      We have different ways of measuring our impact for our different projects and services as well as for the awareness raising and campaigning work that we do.

      Our impact is reported in each of our annual reports.

      Our Report & Accounts

      As a registered charity, OCD Action publishes its annual Report and Accounts and submits it to the Charity Commission. Our Report and Accounts are for each financial year, April – March and we aim to get these out within 5 months of the year end.

      The charity is committed to the principle of openness and transparency when dealing with all its stakeholders and goes above and beyond its statutory duties when presenting information.

      Want to know more? You can find our Annual Reports and Accounts here:

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