  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Forum Moderators.
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  • #14628

      My life for decades – no exaggeration – has been dominated by avoidance and compulsions. I KNOW it’s irrational and I also know I fuel OCD with neutralising thoughts etc but I’ve never been able to stop doing them. Without passing the buck – not entirely – I had some really bad luck with therapists in the past. One did me a lot of harm and wrote some very disturbing things which I saw on medical records I accessed only two weeks ago. I’m hoping I’ve finally found one (private) that not only knows about the reality of OCD but cares about me.

      Forum Moderators


        We’d like to help as it sounds as if you’re having a difficult time coping with OCD – we’re concerned that you say: “I’ve felt suicidal a lot of the time.” If you feel that your life isn’t worth living, you can call the Samaritans, who are always there to support you

        The Samaritans have a free, confidential listening service for people in distress, open 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. Their volunteers are not professional counsellors but will listen and never judge you. Contact the Samaritans by:

        • phone 116 123
        • email:

        You can also talk to (or email) our OCD Action Helpline about what you’re going through. Our Helpline provides confidential support for people with OCD. Most volunteers have personal experience of OCD; all understand how it can impact your entire life. Contact our Helpline by:

        Just please remember you’re never alone; our forum members and OCD Action are here to support you.

        Forum Moderators

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