  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by Forum Moderators.
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  • #12802
    Forum Moderators


      Are you a user of our previous forum, haven’t been here in a while and are looking for private messages.

      We want to be sure you know the old forum was retired and replaced with this improved forum. We hope you enjoy using it and being part of our user community!

      We explain everything you need to know in this topic:

      Questions? Please post in the topic above (not here, thanks!) or send them to:

      And welcome back to the forums!

      Forum Moderators

      Forum Moderators


        Forum users occasionally ask us they can send send private messages (PMs) to other users. Just so everyone understands: only the moderators can contact forum users personally by sending a direct message (DM).

        Here’s why: user safety and security on these forums is one of our top priorities. And PMs put your safety at risk, as it can be difficult for moderators to help when you message another user privately.

        But when you get in touch with others by posting publicly on the forums, it’s much easier for us to step in when you need help.

        Private messages don’t support the community spirit of our forums. Our users interact with and support each other by replying to posts. Replies can be read by and help every forum user, unlike PMs, which only help one user.

        So, please reply to forum users’ posts today and help support our entire forum community!

        Forum Moderators

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