
Homepage Forums Support From Our Forum Community Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Dreading going back to work and leaving my baby at childcare

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      I am going back to work in 2 months and I’m dreading leaving my 10 month old, by then i would have spent a year with her and I just know I won’t want to leave her. My anxiety and ocd about it are affecting what’s left of my maternity leave and I’m getting quite panicky about it.

      The only positive I can think of childcare is the interaction for her.

      I have to go back to work 3 days a week as its company policy, I really wanted just two days but that’s not possible.

      I dont have anyone around me with my issues who has gone through this.

      I’m just getting negative about it and can’t seem to really think rationally.

      I just think “I’m not doing it”

      Starting to cry about it tonight as I just don’t want to deal with this.

      If any one has any experience, help or advice would really appreciate it 🙂


        Hi, Have you heard the term ‘Absence makes the heart grow fonder’?  You may find that, time at work will give you a break, and when you get back home at the end of your shift, You’ll be able to love her even more… As a grandparent, I absolutely adore my kids, I see them regularly, and it is great fun, but I couldn’t do it all the time… One day, your little one will start school, and have lot’s more people in her life… And she’ll love you more, and one day understand that you go out during the day too, to provide her with wonderful things to make her life happy.  Welcome.


        Forum Moderators


          Forum moderators here; we’re very sorry you’re having such a difficult time coping with your anxiety and your OCD, while being a mum – and we want you to know how to access more help and support.

          Here are some resources for mothers with OCD that we hope you’ll find useful:

          Maternal OCD: this very helpful organisation helps mothers with OCD. Their website has lots of useful resources, especially in the “Help for Mums” section.

          Maternal OCD explains how you can access help and support: if you are suffering from OCD as a mother, your first step towards getting help is to see your GP – this will help with accessing the right support and treatment for you. You can read more on this page on their website

          OCD Action also has information about more support for OCD; some is for pregnant women and mothers. Visit our website to:

          You can also contact the OCD Action Help and Information Line to talk to or email someone who understands OCD. This confidential service offers help, information and support for people with OCD – they’ve helped mothers like you. Contact the Helpline by:

          OCD Action Skype/Phone/Zoom support groups:. joining a group can be very helpful, as you can talk to people who understand in a safe space. To find out more, on our Skype/Phone/Zoom Support Groups page, click on “I AM AN ADULT WITH OCD“

          You can read about and search for local independent OCD support groups in the UK here (OCD Action is currently reviewing the information we hold for these groups. Please check this page soon to find a group in your area): Local Independent Support Groups

          And just please know that you’re never alone – OCD Action is here to support you.

          Forum Moderators

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