Reply To: Friday night Blog…
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Okay… I have been typing for ages on my tablet, hit the wrong something on the screen and it has deleted the whole thing… We are most certainly not in charge of the computers around us. Give me another half-hour or so. Mind you, it will never be the same…
The weather today in England has been quite nice. Pleasant warm sunshine. It can lift the spirit a little.
A bit of favourite music can help too.
It is sad that we don’t do so much singing anymore. A struggling school got sued by a music publisher for photocopying words. The millionaire publisher won… But schools do not have the funding to pay upwards of seven pounds a copy of official manuscripts, so they don’t get sung anymore, at all. They tried to say that ‘pirating’ was killing music. But in my eyes, it was the millionaire music publishers, after all, they all drive expensive cars, and live in huge houses… They do better than the pop groups… Without people singing, nothing is even promoted, so no one is going to buy anything anyway… Never mind.
I want to start riding my bike… I would dearly love to link it up with a bus pass… But our bus timetables are stupid! As are the local trains… When you get there, you have to immediately get back on the train, otherwise it sill be several days later when we return home. It most definitely is not a service
I have will continue tomorrow, my typing has just got ridiculous,,