
    Hi dear friends.. Well, I  don’t know about you, but for me, this week has been a real struggle. I have the flu… Now if there is anything guaranteed to drive me to despair, it is the symptoms of flu. We all know how awful it is, I don’t  need to remind you or me.

    This week, there has been a major breakcown in communication at my local church/social circle.

    How often do you send say, an email, only for it not get answered for days, if ever…  You have reached out, but if others don respond, how can you work out where you stand?

    Some years ago, I  enrolled on a project 2000 nursing course. I figured that, if I  could learn how to help others, I would be better quipped to help myself too… Except that, we usually didn’t have enough resources to help those in our care, and became far too exhausted to do much but collapse at the end of a shift, assuming of course, that the next shift team came in to relieve us… If not, we stayed until we dropped.

    I was on an rmn course, a mental health nurse. One of the key things in nursing, is engaging eye contact with patients. A large proportion of commu icating, is through the eyes. On one tv programme, the charge nurse, an rmn, virtually never looked anyone else in the eyes. Not a very accurate portrayal at all.

    A good measure of why this approach failed, is to watch someone talking on the telephone. Just look at the body language! The person at the other end  cannot  see any of the hand waving and head shaking!

    Well, I emailed someone importamt, and asked their opinion on something, an issue close to my heart, that had bedn concsring me for sevdral years, to the point where I  had basically decided to leave, and go somewhere instead. My partner actually attended an unrelated meeting, but the someone important, had been already sorting out something for me. But they hadn’t e mailed me back, and as a result, I had almost actually transferred across. I had effectively left., made the break. I had been waiting for years…

    I’m a bit confised and stressed at the moment… I honesbelieved that nobody there cared… The blank stares I got were testament to that…

    They needed to let me know a lot earlier what they were looking at doing for me…

    In past I was often badly let down… I am a wounded spirit, still needing fime to recover. This drives my smile grabbing…

    Let’s see if we can ourselves take the initiative, push to get our own needs met, Only then can we possible raise the strengh to be able to uelp someone else…

    Let’s  work on our communication this week. Be really brave and try eye contact with others… Say a cheery thankyou when someone helps us, like the till operator wherever you go, and feel the eventual lift in spirit. A little bit at a time, a day at a time, even a breath at a time, and then lets compare notes next week hypothetically, and see how we get on… It just might be fantastic…

    Until next week dear friends….  Friday evening 26 April, at about 6pm, right here…