
This forum is a supportive community for people affected by the OCD spectrum of anxiety disorders where you can share your thoughts openly and honestly with people who understand.

Please help us keep this a supportive and harmonious community by reading this etiquette guide.

What is posting behaviour and forum etiquette?

All communities, including internet forums, have standards of behaviour that are appropriate and acceptable. We call this “posting behaviour” on our forums. We wrote this etiquette guide for you. We hope it helps you understand how to interact and respect others when posting on the forums.

Before posting for the first time, please be sure to read the following:

And please remember:

  • Do not post anything you want to remain private, as this is not a “closed” forum. Posts can be viewed by the public not just by logged-in forum members!
  • Do not post personal information that could identify (or possibly embarrass) you or anyone else, including email addresses, social media account details or phone numbers. See Safety on the Forums.
  • You must follow any instructions or requests that the moderators post or give to you. If you do not, your account could be blocked.

Being considerate on the forums: 

  • Please welcome and encourage new users.
  • Try to help others and not just ask for help.
  • Do not use offensive or abusive language.
  • Treat others as you’d like to be treated yourself. Remember: good manners cost nothing.
  • Learn to be empathetic and consider the feelings of everyone who posts on the forums, including people without OCD.
  • Respect others by taking the time to read their entire post before replying. It can be tempting to skim through a post and just read the parts you “want” to read.
  • Stay on topic. Topics can gradually change direction, but always remember who started the topic and don’t suddenly post something off-topic or forget about them when you reply.
  • Respect others by not interrupting a topic with your own problems or by starting a  “private” conversation with one user while ignoring other users
  • When reading a post, if your immediate reaction is distress or anger, take some time before you reply. Take a step back, get your emotions in check, and then re-read the post. Write your reply, but don’t send it yet! Take a break and try to do something relaxing. When you feel calmer, re-read your reply. You might be surprised by what you wrote! Edit it, or even start over again. When you’re calm and are happy with your reply, post it.
  • We will not tolerate posts where you: personally “attack”, argue with or make negative, rude or offensive remarks about users, the moderators or OCD Action. If you have a issue with anyone, don’t post about it on the forums. Please contact the moderators.

When posting on the forums:

  • Do not use ALL UPPER CASE for post titles or in your posts. To some people, this means you’re “shouting”; also posts in all caps are difficult to read.
  • Don’t use “slang” words; forum users are a very diverse group from many age groups, cultures and countries and may not know what these words mean. If you use abbreviations or “short-forms” for longer words, explain what they mean at the beginning of your post.
  • Many users won’t understand “text speak”, so please don’t write as if you’re sending a text message! If users can’t understand you, they may can’t reply.
  • A post in one long paragraph without any breaks is difficult to read, so people often skip long posts written like this. Put each point, question, thought etc into a separate paragraph; people find this easier to read and reply to.
  • When posting quotes or content from digital or print media you must post enough information so that users can find and read the original source (a website, video, blog, book, magazine etc.) Include at least: its title/name, name of the author/ blogger/ organisation etc and a brief description of the subject. For digital sources, include a link/URL.
  • To help users even more, include:  professional qualifications the author has related to OCD/mental health, how the original source (website, book etc) helped you (i.e. to live with OCD) and how you think it may help others.
  • Posts containing only a link/URL (with no text/description as described above) will be immediately removed by the moderators. Links with no text could lead to spam or illegal content. And users must know exactly what to expect when they click on a link.
  • Do not post the same message on several forums (cross post) or the same message twice on the same topic (double post).

When starting a topic: 

  • If it’s your first topic, please introduce yourself. Let users a bit about yourself, if you have been diagnosed with OCD (or not), or are a carer, parent or friend.
  • Use a brief title that describes your topic. One word topics like “Help!” or OCD are too vague; users need more information so they can help you.
  • Try to write a topic longer than a single sentence. Include enough detail so that users know what you’re writing about. Vague statements such as “I’ve had  thoughts that have really upset me, can anyone tell me what to do?” make it difficult for users to understand and help you.

When replying to posts: 

  • Always read the very first post and reply to the person who started the topic. Please respect the original poster and don’t let them get “lost” in a long topic thread.
  •  If you find a topic on a subject you want to post about, don’t “highjack” it by ignoring the user who started it and posting only about yourself. Please either contribute something that will help others – or start your own topic.
  • Multiple or repeated posting in order to increase your post count and posting simply to bump (move a thread to the top of the discussion list) is not allowed.
  • All posts and comments must be written in English, which is the forum language. We understand that forum users come from many different countries, but all users must be able to read all posts.
  • Advertising, spamming and trolling will not be tolerated. You may include links to self-help books and materials that are for sale, but only if directly related to OCD or mental health issues.
  • We do not permit posts or links to any content that is illegal, pornographic, or that violates community standards.
  • If you include a quote, or content from (for example), a book or website, keep it brief. People want to read a post in your own words, not lengthy quotes that someone else wrote.

Finally, please enjoy the forums!

We hope the forums will be a “safe place” where you can comfortably express your thoughts, concerns and triumphs with people who understand. If you’ve ever felt isolated and alone, you belong and are very welcome here. We’re thrilled to have you as part of our wonderful and supportive forum user community.

Thank you for using the OCD Action forums!